The Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (AEI) Lab is pleased to present Leveraging Creativity, a virtual research workshop exploring new studies of arts, entrepreneurship, and the creative sector. The event will consist of two series of concurrent panels where authors of invited papers will present their work and engage in panel discussions.

The authors marked with * will be presenting during this event.
9:00 AM EDT
Welcome remarks - Doug Noonan
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Panel A1: Arts entrepreneurship in the field
Café as a Place of Cultural Innovation
Hyesun Jeong*, The University of Texas at Arlington
Howling to Gen-Z > The Immersive ARTrepreneurship of Santa Fe’s Meow Wolf
Rebecca Kemper* & Justin Meyer, The Ohio State University
Exhibitions as Therapeutic Settings that Promote Health, Education, and Well-Being
Girija Kaimal* & Bani Malhotra, Drexel University
Melissa S. Walker, Walter Reed National Military Facility
Heather Spooner, University of Florida
Susan Magsamen, John Hopkins University
Panel B1: Arts interventions
Theatre as an Intervention for Empathy Development
Jonathan Stewart*, James Madison University
Pedagogical Approach Influences Fourth Graders’ Justifications for Visual Art Education
Jillian Hogan* & Ellen Winner, Boston College
Anyone Can Improvise: The ABCs of Jazz Education
Monika Herzig*, Indiana University - O’Neill School
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Panel A2: Organizations, arts, and entrepreneurs
The show must go on: Virtual cinema in art house movie theaters at the confluence of COVID-19 and the digital age
Ying Li*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
What constitutes a new nonprofit? Nailing down nonprofit organizational founding
Jamie Levine Daniel* & Fredrik O. Andersson, IUPUI - O’Neill School
Artists as Public Sector Intrapreneurs: An Experiment
Jessica Sherrod Hale* & Joanna Woronkowicz, Indiana University - O’Neill School
Panel B2: Curriculum and Capital on Campus
Reframing the Arts within the Liberal Arts Community
Sarah Archino*, Marta Lanier, & Ross McClain, Furman University
Strategic alignment in arts higher education: embedding core competencies the artists must possess to survive in a portfolio economy
Jeremy Peters*, Wayne State University
Unpacking the Entrepreneurial Skills Gap: Educational Experiences and Career Outcomes among Arts Graduates
Alexandre Frenette* & Megan Robinson, Vanderbilt University
Rachel Skaggs, The Ohio State University
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Panel A3: Crowdfunding in arts and culture
Crowdfunding cultural and commercial ventures: an empirical study on rewards and backer motivation
Tobias Bürger*, University of Wuppertal
Simon Kleinert, Maastricht University
What Does it Take for Creative Workers to Pivot? Leveraging Intangible Resources to Pivot after a Failure
Jared Allen*, University of Central Florida
Regan Stevenson, Indiana University - Kelley School
T. Wang
Coming Attractions: Mobility among Arts-related Crowdfunders
Doug Noonan*, IUPUI - O’Neill School
Shiri Breznitz & Sana Maqbool, University of Toronto
Panel B3: Arts entrepreneurship education
Co-Designing a Community-Based Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum for Artists and Creatives
Olaf Kuhlke*, University of Minnesota Duluth
Timothy J. Pasch, University of North Dakota
Jeremiah J. Kelley
Self-Directed Learning on the Runway to Crafts Entrepreneurship: Learnings from Rural India and a Legacy City in the United States
Aparna Katre*, University of Minnesota Duluth
Meng Gang, Ocean University of China
Blank Canvas: Explorative Behaviour and Personal Agency in the Arts Entrepreneurship Classroom
Ben Toscher*, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM EDT
Panel A4: Thinking about arts in entrepreneurship
The Story and the Data: Entrepreneurship in Creative Economy Reports
Shoshanah Goldberg-Miller* & Rachel Skaggs, The Ohio State University
The relationship between state-level arts involvement, cognitive outcomes, and innovation
Jeff Barbee* & Sara Konrath, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy - IUPUI
Building Bridges in Arts Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review of the Art in Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurship in Art
Adrienne Callander* & Michael Cummings, University of Arkansas
Motivations for self-employed artists: Evidence from the Contingent Worker Survey
Tal Feder* & Joanna Woronkowicz, Indiana University - O'Neill School
Panel A5: Human capital and supporting early-stage arts entrepreneurs
Arts Majors as Entrepreneurs and Innovators
Greg Wassall* & Neil Alper, Northeastern University
Richard Paulsen, The University of Vermont
Creativity, Risk, Exploration and Social Values
Bronwyn Coate*, Swee Hoon Chuah, & Pia Arenius, RMIT University
Flocking to the Crowd: Homophily, Market size, or Amenities
Doug Noonan*, IUPUI - O’Neill School
Shiri Breznitz & Sana Maqbool, University of Toronto
Artists’ Incubators: A Taxonomy of Forms Across Curation, Enablement, and Investment
Amy Whitaker*, New York University
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
Wrap-up - Doug Noonan
For questions and attendance information regarding Leveraging Creativity, please contact Doug Noonan at
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