Publication Archive
Joanna Woronkowicz (2025). Being an Artist in America: How Artists Build Careers and What Society Can Do to Support Them. Monograph forthcoming from Stanford University Press.
Woronkowicz, J. and Noonan, D. (2024). Innovating Institutions and Inequities in the Arts. Palgrave Macmillian.
Rushton, M. (2023). The Moral Foundations of Public Funding for the Arts. Palgrave Macmillian.
Woronkowicz, J. and Noonan, D. (2023). Essays in 2022-2023 Public by Design Publication. Landmark Columbus Foundation.
Rushton, M. (2014). Strategic Pricing for the Arts. Routledge.
Woronkowicz, J., Joynes, D. C., & Bradburn, N. (2014). Building Better Arts Facilities: Lessons from a US National Study. Routledge.
Rushton, M. (2013). Creative Communities: Art Works in Economic Development. Brookings Institution Press.
Joanna Woronkowicz and Douglas S. Noonan. Cultural Entrepreneurship. Special issue of Frontiers and Trends in Entrepreneurship (guest editors). Expected publication 2025.
Joanna Woronkowicz, Douglas S. Noonan, and Rachel Skaggs. Creative Work in the Digital Age: AI, Power, and Transformation. Special issue of Work & Occupation (guest editors). Expected publication 2026.
Lee, J., Peng, L., Woronkowicz, J., and Noonan, D., Forthcoming. “Filling the Social Welfare Gap: The Impact of a Nonprofit’s Guaranteed Income (GI) Program for Artists.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Peng, L., Hahm, C., Noonan, D., & Woronkowicz, J. (Draft 2025, January). "Effects of Recent Guaranteed Income Pilots in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review and Quality Assessment". Indiana University.
Noonan, D., & Woronkowicz, J. (Draft 2025, February). "Testing the Empirical Validity of the Work Preference Labor Supply Model: Evidence from a Guaranteed Income Program for Artists in New York State". Indiana University.
Woronkowicz, J. and Noonan, D., 2024. Some Economic Institutions and Their Implications for Inequities in the Arts. In Innovating Institutions and Inequities in the Arts (pp. 1-15). Palgrave Macmillan.
Noonan, D.S.. 2024. “The Arts and Culture Sector’s Contributions to Economic Recovery and Resiliency in the United States, 2001-2021.” National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.
Woronkowicz, J., Noonan, D., & Malone, H. C. (2024, July). "Basic Income for Artists Programs: Who Are the Artists?"
Chen, W. & Noonan, D.S. 2023. “Sharing the Stage: Comparing Concentrations in Resources for the Arts across Funding Institutions.” American Behavioral Scientist. DOI: 10.1177/00027642231179923
Feder, T. and Woronkowicz, J., 2023. Reluctantly independent: motivations for self-employed artistic work. Journal of Cultural Economics, 47(4), pp.589-607
Woronkowicz, J. & Noonan, D.S. 2023. “Editorial: Innovating Institutions and Inequities in the Arts.” American Behavioral Scientist. DOI: 10.1177/00027642231178517.
Rushton, M. (2023). The Moral Foundations of Public Funding for the Arts. Palgrave Macmillan.
Woronkowicz, J. 2023. “The Value of an Arts Degree: Career Success and Inequality.” American Behavioral Scientist. DOI: 10.1177/00027642231177659
Woronkowicz, J. 2023. “Beacon to the World,” (Book Review). Journal of Urban Affairs.
Woronkowicz, J. 2023. “Economics of Visual Art,” (Book Review). Journal of Cultural Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s10824-022-09468-1
Etro, F. & Noonan, D.S.. 2022. “For a New Cultural Economics.” Journal of Cultural Economics. 46 (1): 1-2.
Feder, T. & Woronkowicz, J. (2022). Reluctantly Independent - Motivations for Self-Employed Artistic Work in the US. Journal of Cultural Economics.
Woronkowicz, J. Being an Artist in America: How Artists Build Careers and What Society can do to Support Them. Under contract at Stanford University Press. Forthcoming.
Woronkowicz, Joanna. (Ed.). (2022). Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Springer.
Woronkowicz, J. (2022). “Economics of Visual Art: Market Practice and Market Resistance,” (Book Review). Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 152-153.
Woronkowicz, J. (2022). Excerpts in “Cultural and Creative Jobs and Skills: Who, What, Where, and Why it Matters,” in The Culture Fix: People, Places and Industries. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Lazzaro, E. & Noonan, D.S. (2021). Cultural Entrepreneurship in a Supportive Ecosystem: The Contribution of Crowdfunding Regulation, in Paola Demartini, Lucia Marchegiani, Michela Marchiori, and Giovanni Schiuma (eds), Cultural Initiatives for Sustainable Development: Management, Participation and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector. Springer.
*Mughan, S., Sherrod Hale, J., & Woronkowicz, J. (2021). Build It and will They Come?: The Effect of Investing in Cultural Consumption Amenities in Higher Education on Student‑Level Outcomes. Research in Higher Education.
Lazzaro, E. & Noonan, D.S. 2021. “A comparative analysis of US and EU regulatory frameworks of crowdfunding for the cultural and creative industries.” International Journal of Cultural Policy. 27(5): 590-606.
(Ungated copies here and here.)
*Noonan, D.S. (2021). Arts and Cultural Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 57, 635-638.
*Noonan, D.S. (2021). The Arts and Culture Sector's Contributions to Economic Recovery and Resiliency in the United States. Key findings, 2021. National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.
*Noonan, D.S., Breznitz, S., & Maqbool, S. (2021). Flocking to the Crowd: Cultural Entrepreneur Mobility Guided by Homophily, Market Size, or Amenities?Journal of Cultural Economics, 45, 577-611.
*Noonan, D.S., Breznitz, S., & Maqbool, S. (2021). Looking for a Change in Scene: Analyzing the Mobility of Crowdfunding Entrepreneurs.Small Business Economics, 57, 685-703.
Rushton, M. (2021). The Claims of Politics on the Arts? Oakeshott and Scrutiny in the 1930s. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 55(4), 60-69.
*Woronkowicz, J. (2021). Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Journal of Cultural Economics, 45, 519-526.
*Woronkowicz, J. & Hale, J.S. (2021). Artists as Public Sector Intrapreneurs: An Experiment. Small Business Economics, 57, 653-666.
*Open Access
*Breznitz, S. & Noonan, D.S. (2020). Crowdfunding in a Not-So-Flat World. Journal of Economic Geography.
*Buttice, V. & Noonan, D.S. (2020). Active Backers, Product Commercialisation and Product Quality after a Crowdfunding Campaign: A Comparison between First-Time and Repeated Entrepreneurs. International Small Business Journal, 38(2): 111-134.
Dekker, E., Srakar, A., & Rushton, M. (eds.) (2020). Cultural Economics & the Creative Economy. Springer Nature.
Lazzaro, E. & Noonan, D.S. (2020). A comparative analysis of US and EU regulatory frameworks of crowdfunding for the cultural and creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Policy.
*Levine Daniel, J., & Kim, M. S. (2020). Creative placemaking: Creating change by building partnerships. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 6(1), 96-110.
Noonan, D.S. (2020). Arts and Cultural Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics.
*Noonan, D.S., Breznitz, S. & Maqbool S. (2020). Looking for a Change in Scene: Analyzing the Mobility of Crowdfunding Entrepreneurs. Small Business Economics.
Noonan, D.S., Woronkowicz, J., & Sherrod Hale, J. (2020). More than STEM: Spillovers from Higher Education Institution Infrastructure Investments in the Arts. Journal of Technology Transfer.
*Oba, T., & Noonan, D.S. (2020). The Price of Preserving Neighborhoods: The Unequal Impacts of Historic District Designation. Economic Development Quarterly, 34(4), 343-355.
Rushton, M. (2020). Artists' rights, in Handbook of Cultural Economics, Third Edition. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Rushton, M. (2020). Pricing the arts, in Handbook of Cultural Economics, Third Edition. Edward Elgar Publishing.
*Sherrod Hale, J. & Woronkowicz, J. (2020) Artists as Public Sector Intrapreneurs: An Experiment. Small Business Economics.
*Woronkowicz, J. (2020). The Embedded Artist Worker: Shifting Perspectives on Artists in the Labor Force, in F. Martel and H. Wickert (eds.), Embedded Artists (pp.124-135). Zurich University of Arts, Zürich.
*Woronkowicz, J., & Schert, J. M. (2020). Artists in Local Government: Local Government Artist-in-Residence Programs Must Include Opportunities for Public Sector Innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Woronkowicz, J., Soni, A., Freedman, S., & Simon, K. (2020). How have recent health insurance expansions affected coverage among artist occupations in the USA?Journal of Cultural Economics, 44(1), 117-154.
*Open Access
*Andersson, F. & Neely, D. (2019). Bringing Fiscal Sponsor Activity to Light. Nonprofit Policy Forum, 10(1).
*Arikan, Y., Clark, T. N., Noonan, D. S., & Tolley, G. (2019). The arts, Bohemian scenes, and income. Cultural Trends, 28(5), 404-416.
*Rushton, M. & Woronkowicz, J. (2019). Creative Industries in the United States: Programme and Policy Evaluation in Cultural Affairs. Cultural Trends, 28(5), 352-353.
Sherrod Hale, J., & Woronkowicz, J. (2019). Evaluating a university’s investment in arts programming on student arts participation. Cultural Trends, 28(5), 366-378.
*Woronkowicz, J., & Noonan, D. (2019). Who Goes Freelance? The Determinants of Self-Employment for Artists. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43(4), 651-672.
*Woronkowicz, J., Noonan, D. S., & LeRoux, K. (2019). Entrepreneurship among Nonprofit Arts Organizations: Substituting between Wage and Flexible Labor. Public Administration Review.
*Open Access
*Lee, S., & Woronkowicz, J. (2018). Nonprofit cash holdings and spending: The missing role of government funding. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 29(3), 321-340.
Rushton, M. (2018). Why do we Subsidize Donations to the Opera?Cultural Trends, 27(3), 160-72.
Woronkowicz, J. (2018). The Effects of Capital Campaigns on Local Nonprofit Ecologies. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(3), 645-656.
*Open Access
*Noonan, D. S., & Rizzo, I. (2017). Economics of cultural tourism: issues and perspectives. Journal of Cultural Economics, 41, 95-107.
Rushton, M. (2017). Subsidizing Culture: Taxpayer Enrichment of the Creative Class. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 46(4), 409-410.
*Rushton, M. (2017). Thinking Outside the Empathy Box. Cultural Trends, 26(3), 260-271.
Woronkowicz, J. (2017). Community Engagement and Cultural Building Projects. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 48(1), 32-43.
Woronkowicz, J., & Nicholson‐Crotty, J. (2017). The effects of capital campaigns on other nonprofits’ fundraising. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 27(3), 371-387.
Woronkowicz, J., Rushton, M., & Rabvosky, T.M. (2017). Performance Measurement as Policy Rhetoric: The Case of Federal Arts Councils. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25(3), 363-376.
*Open Access
Rushton, M. (2016). Should Public and Nonprofit Museums Have Free Admission? A Defense of the Membership Model. Museum Management and Curatorship, 32(3), 200-209.
Rushton, M. (2016). Touts Out? The Waterson Review on Secondary Ticketing. Cultural Trends, 25(4), 287-290.
Woronkowicz, J. (2016). Building New Performing Arts Centers. In Performing Arts Center Management. Routledge.
Woronkowicz, J. (2016). Is Bigger Really Better? The Effect of Nonprofit Facilities Projects on Financial Vulnerability. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 27(1), 79-94.
*Woronkowicz, J. (2016). Levitt Music Venues and Neighborhood Change: Reflections on a Creative Placemaking Indicators Analysis. In Setting the Stage for Community Change: Reflecting on Creative Placemaking Outcomes. Slover Linett Audience Research.
*Open Access
*Rushton, M. (2015). Cultural Districts and Economic Development in American Cities. Poetics, 49: 20-29.
Woronkowicz, J. (2015). Art-making or Place-making? The Relationship between Open-air Performance Venues and Neighborhood Change. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 36(1), 49-59.
Woronkowicz, J. (2015). Artists, Employment, and the Great Recession: A Cross-Sectional Analysis Using U.S. Current Population Survey Data. Cultural Trends, 24(2), 154-164.
*Open Access
*Breznitz, S. M., & Noonan, D. S. (2014). Arts districts, universities, and the rise of digital media. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(4), 594-615.
*Rushton, M. (2014). Hybrid Organizations in the Arts: A Cautionary View. Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 44(3), 145-152.
*Whitehead, J. C., Noonan, D. S., & Marquardt, E. (2014). Criterion and predictive validity of revealed and stated preference data: the case of “Mountain Home Music” concert demand. Economics and Business Letters, 3(2), 87-95.
*Woronkowicz, J. (2014). The Effect of Capital Facilities Investments on Nonprofit Financial Vulnerability. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2014, No. 1, p. 10537). Academy of Management.
*Open Access
Noonan, D. S. (2013). How U.S. Cultural Districts Reshape Neighbourhoods. Cultural Trends, 22(3-4), 203-212.
Woronkowicz, J. (2013). The determinants of cultural building: Identifying the demographic and economic factors associated with cultural facility investment in U.S. metropolitan statistical areas between 1994 and 2008. Cultural Trends, 22(3-4), 192-202.
*Woronkowicz, J., Joynes, D. C., Frumkin, P., Kolendo, A., Seaman, B., Gertner, R., & Bradburn, N. (2012). Set in Stone. Building America's New Generation of Arts Facilities, 1994-2008. Cultural Policy Center at the University of Chicago.
*Noonan, D. S. & Krupka, D.J. (2011). Making—or Picking—Winners: Evidence of Internal and External Price Effects in Historic Preservation Policies. Real Estate Economics, 39(2), 379-407.
*Noonan, D. S., & Krupka, D. J. (2010). Determinants of historic and cultural landmark designation: why we preserve what we preserve. Journal of Cultural Economics, 34(1), 1-26.
Noonan, D. S. (2009). Evaluating the Impacts of Heritage Policies: Landmark Preservation in Chicago, 1990-99. In Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Local Development. Ashgate Publishing.
Rushton, M. (2009). The creative class and economic growth in Atlanta. In Past trends and future prospects of the American city: The dynamics of Atlanta. Rowman & Littlefield.
Rushton, M. (2008). Who pays? Who benefits? Who decides?. Journal of Cultural Economics, 32(4), 293-300.
Rushton, M. (2007). Sustainable Public Funding for the Arts in the US and Canada: Implications for Korea. 문화경제연구, 10(1), 31-49.
*Rushton, M. (2007). Understanding state spending on the arts: 1976-1999. State and Local Government Review,39(2), 107-114.
Rushton, M. (2007). Why are nonprofits exempt from the corporate income tax?. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 36(4), 662-675.
Rushton, M., & Brooks, A. C. (2007). Government funding of nonprofit organizations. In Financing nonprofits: Putting theory into practice. Rowman Altamira.
*Noonan, D. S. (2005). Art of the State: Explaining State-Level Appropriations to Arts Agencies. Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Public Policy working paper 11.
*Rushton, M. (2005). Economic Analysis of Freedom of Expression. Georgia State University Law Review, 21, 693-719.
*Rushton, M. (2005). Support for earmarked public spending on culture: Evidence from a referendum in metropolitan Detroit. Public Budgeting and Finance,25(4), 72-85.
*Noonan, D. S. (2004). Valuing arts and culture: a research agenda for contingent valuation. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 34(3), 205-221.
Rushton, M. (2004). Contingent valuation and the public interest in privately owned cultural property. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 34(3), 222-234.
Rushton, M. (2004). Culture and Public Finance. Public Finance & Management, 4(1).
Rushton, M. (2004). Earmarked taxes for the arts: US experience and policy implications. International Journal of Arts Management, 6(3), 38-48.
*Rushton, M. (2004). Sustainable Funding for the Arts: What Can Atlanta Learn from the Detroit Experience?. Andrew Young School of Policy Studies.
Noonan, D. (2003). Contingent Valuation and Cultural Resources: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Literature. Journal of Cultural Economics, 27, 159–176.
*Rushton, M. (2003). Cultural diversity and public funding of the arts: A view from cultural economics. The journal of arts management, law, and society, 33(2), 85-97.
Rushton, M. (2003). Transaction cost politics and the National Endowment for the Arts. Poetics, 31(2), 133-150.
*Open Access