Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN. – The team behind the AEI Lab Leveraging Creativity research conference is proud to share news of the third special issue to come out of this event. This issue in the Journal of Cultural Economics is set for printed publication late 2021 and consists of the 8 articles linked below which all focus on varous aspects of arts, entrepreneurship and innovation.
Direct memberships in foreign copyright collecting societies as an entrepreneurial opportunity for music publishers – needs, challenges, opportunities and solutions (Open Access)
Stephan Klingner, Mihail Miller, Michael Becker & Frank Schumacher
What Makes an Artrepreneur?
Robert Hoffmann, Bronwyn Coate, Swee-Hoon Chuah & Pia Arenius
Flocking to the crowd: Cultural entrepreneur mobility guided by homophily, market size, or amenities?
Douglas S. Noonan, Shiri M. Breznitz & Sana Maqbool
Economies of scope in artists’ incubator projects (Open Access)
Amy Whitaker
Do museums foster innovation through engagement with the cultural and creative industries? (Open Access)
Chiara Dalle Nogare & Monika Murzyn-Kupisz
Innovation and diversity in the digital cultural and creative industries (Open Access)
Jen Snowball, Delon Tarentaal & Jonathan Sapsed
Who is an artist? Heterogeneity and professionalism among visual artists
Andrea Baldin & Trine Bille