Bloomington, IN. – The Arts, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab will livestream the event “New. Not Normal” at 10:30 a.m. Monday. The virtual symposium will explore entrepreneurship, innovation and reimagine what the arts sector will look like after the coronavirus pandemic.
The symposium will touch on the challenges and opportunities facing arts workers and how the creative landscape has and will continue to change due to the pandemic.
Doug Noonan, director of the Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Lab, and other researchers worked to understand how the pandemic has affected the arts world. Researchers focused on the gig economy and whether crowdfunding platforms for creative projects have risen in popularity. The team will share initial findings during the livestream.
“When we come out of this, it won’t be the same,” Noonan said in a release. “We’re reimagining the entire sector after the outbreak, including how we fill seats and conduct ticket sales. We need to have informed conversations now, and we hope to help facilitate those to prepare the arts sector in navigating changes when the pandemic is over.”
“New Not Normal” will be livestreamed on YouTube from 10:30 a.m to 4 p.m Monday.