Parallel Session 4: Thursday, 29 June 2023
12:30pm - 2pm
All sessions will take place in the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at 1315 E 10th St, Bloomington, IN 47405. See session details below.
Session 4A: Special Session on Attention Economics in Creative Industries - O'Neill Room A225
Chair: Wojciech Hardy |
Few streams but longer songs? Attention economics and the pandemic effects on music listening Wojciech Hardy and Paul Crosby |
Regulating Recommender Systems? Options, Prospects, and Pitfalls for Cultural Diversity and Development Oliver Budzinski |
Promoting music through user-generated content - TikTok effect on music streaming Satia Rożynek, Wojciech Hardy, Michał Paliński, and Sophia Gaenssle |
What is personalization worth for Netflix users? Evidence from a text-only choice experiment and a mock VOD service studies Michał Paliński, Bartosz Jusypenko, Wojciech Hardy, and Satia Rozynek |
Session 4B: Cultural Consumption II - O'Neill Room A201
Chair: Jen Snowball |
Stay home, engage online? Analysing changes in digital divide during Covid19 in the UK Salvatore Di Novo, Hasan Bakhshi, and Giorgio Fazio |
Performing arts attendance in movie theaters: omnivorous or traditional consumers? Maria Jose Perez-Villadoniga, Juan Prieto Rodriguez, and Fernanda Gutierrez-Navratil |
Cultural Consumption and equality of access during economic downturns: The expenditure Gini Coefficient for South Africa Jen Snowball and Andre Gouws |
Creating a Brand-New Dataset of Digital Music Trade Using Streaming Hit Chart Yuki Takara |
Session 4C: Clusters and Urban Development II - O'Neill Room A205
Chair: Roland Kushner |
Universities as a last resort of sustainable development in the creative city. An inquiry of Venice. Valeria Morea and Mariangela Lavanga |
Museums and Malls - A window into the priorities driving Pune city's smartification in India Poonam Gandhi |
The Regional Interconnectedness of Arts & Culture: Examining Agglomeration and Spillovers Among US Counties Roland Kushner, Gregory Collins, and Todd A. Watkins |
The role of cultural amenities and social capital in urban quality of life in Europe. A multilevel structural equation model (GSEM) Iván Boal, Lucia Gomez-Balcacer, Noelia Somarriba, and Pilar Zarzosa |
Session 4D: Economic Impact of the Arts - O'Neill Room A221
Chair: Leandro Valiati |
Does culture determine economic wealth and disparities? A spatial approach across Spanish provinces Luis César Herrero-Prieto, Ivan Boal - San Miguel, Mafalda Gomez-Vega, and Beatriz Rodriguez-Prado |
The economic impact of museum tourism: A literature review Maria Seijas and Juan Brida |
Cultural and creative industries GDP calculation through the income approach: Brazilian case Leandro Valiati, Gustavo Moller, Filipe da Silva, and Eduardo Saron Nunes |
Contribution of creative and cultural capital to Mexican economic growth Marcos Valdivia and Rafael Borrayo |
Session 4E: Cultural Policy II - O'Neill Room A223
Chair: Andrea Santini |
Assessing the impact of cultural ecosystem observation on regional policy making for the live performing arts in Italy. Andrea Santini, Fabrizio Panozzo, and Maria Lusiana |
Competitive and/or Equitable Public Funds?: A Case Study for the Chilean Art Grant Mechanism Fondos de Cultura Matías Muñoz Hernández |
Financial Resilience in English Local Authorities: Delivering Cultural Services during the Era of Austerity Bernard Dom, Alan Collins, Martin Jones, and Peter Murphy |
Public Private Partnerships for cultural heritage and beyond. An Italian case study. Aline Albertelli and Anna Mignosa |
Session 4F: Museums - O'Neill Room A335
Chair: Ricard Gil |
The Hidden Costs of Under-Funding Public Services: The Case of Museum Theft and Diminution of the South African National Estate Alan Collins, Craig Bickerton, and Jen Snowball |
The Effect of Congestion and Queueing on Ancillary Product Sales Ricard Gil and Ozge Sachin |
Estimating the Extent of Adverse Deaccessioning Using Causal Graphical Approaches Andrej Srakar and Marilena Vecco |
Are art investors rational? When investor sentiments capture art market fluctuations Jiaxin (Suzie) Liu, Boram Lee, and Ruth Rentschler |
Last updated: 17 July 2023