General Information

ACEI 2023

General Information

As an added incentive for attendees and to appeal to a wider ACEI community, two special issues were announced in line with the main conference theme:

Special issue in the Journal of Cultural Economics on the subject Spatial dimensions of cultural economics coordinated by guest-editors Silvia Cerisola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Christiane Hellmanzik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany

Special focus in the journal Tourism Economics on the subject Heritage, tourism and local development coordinated by guest-editors Chiara dalle Nogare, University of Brescia, Italy and María Devesa Fernández, University of Valladolid, Spain

A workshop dedicated to young researchers was held on the first day of the conference: 27 June. Graduate students (at masters or PhD level) were invited to present their research projects, work in progress, or full papers, which was discussed among leading academics in the area.

During the conference, the ACEI arranged:

  • the Presidents' Prize -which recognized the best paper presented by a young scholar in the conference;
  • the Pommerehne Prize -an award for the best paper of the past two years in the Journal of Cultural Economics, and
  • the Víctor Fernández Blanco Prize -awarded to the best full paper submitted to the Young Researchers Workshop

More information can be found below, and young researchers and scholars were encouraged to apply. ACEI also provided a limited number of attendance grants with fee waivers and/or accommodation discounts. Details, together with the call, was announced after the abstracts acceptance deadline.

Presidents' Prize

Awarded for the best paper by a young scholar at the ACEI Biennial Conference.

Prize: USD 1,000 plus publication in the Journal of Cultural Economics (subject to revisions as directed) with special mention upon publication of being the Prize winner.

Eligibility criteria: At least one of the co-authors on the paper was a young scholar. This applied to all graduate students plus early career scholars who were within early stages of their career after recently completing their Doctorate.

Selection process: The Presidents’ Prize was determined by the more recent Past President, the current Present and the future President or President-elect of the ACEI. The 3 Presidents met with one or both of the co-editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics to select the winner.

To apply: Authors indicated their desire for consideration at the time of their full paper submission for the regular conference or the Young Researchers Workshop. There was a checkbox on the paper submission form. Only complete papers (uploaded by 1 June 2023) were considered.

Pommerehne Prize

Awarded for the best paper of the past two years (i.e., between the two biennial conferences) in the Journal of Cultural Economics.

Prize: USD 1,000 plus special mention of being the Prize winner.

Eligibility criteria: All papers published in the Journal of Cultural Economics over the period since the last conference at which the previous Pommerehne Prize was awarded Prize was automatically eligible for consideration.

Selection process: The Journal of Cultural Economics Co-editors was recommended the Pommerehne Prize winner to the Executive Board of the ACEI for the Board to ratify.

To apply: All articles in the Journal of Cultural Economics were automatically considered.

Víctor Fernández Blanco Prize

Awarded for the best full paper submitted to the Young Researchers Workshop.

Prize: USD 500 and special mention during the ACEI Conference General Assembly meeting and on the ACEI website. Furthermore, the editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics jointly decided whether the winning paper entered the reviewing process for publication in that journal.

Eligibility criteria: Papers accepted for the ACEI Young Researchers Workshop (YRW) were eligible for this best paper award. The criteria corresponded to the Aims & Scope of the Journal of Cultural Economics. The facilitator of the YRW and the editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics jointly determined the winner of the Víctor Fernandez Blanco Prize.

To apply: All full papers submitted by the deadline entered the competition, unless the author of a paper explicitly opted out of the procedure (via email to the facilitator of the YRW before the full paper submission deadline).

Scientific Committee

  • Luis César Herrero Prieto University of Valladolid, Spain (Scientific Program Chair)
  • Douglas Noonan Indiana University, USA (Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair)
  • Joanna Woronkowicz Indiana University, USA (Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair)
  • Anna Mignosa University of Catania, Italy (Young Researchers Workshop Chair)
  • Andrea Báez Montenegro Austral University of Chile
  • Chiara dalle Nogare University of Brescia, Italy
  • Tim Fry RMIT University, Australia
  • Masaki Katsuura Meijo University, Japan
  • Juan Prieto Rodríguez University of Oviedo, Spain
  • Marta Zieba University of Limerick, Ireland
Joanna Woronkowicz
Executive Board
Indiana University

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