22nd ACEI Conference | Call for Papers
The Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI) invites you to attend its 22nd International Conference on Cultural Economics to be held in-person at Indiana University, in Bloomington, US, from Tuesday 27 to Friday 30 June 2023. The local organizer of the conference is the Center for Cultural Affairs at Indiana University. Conference website: https://go.iu.edu/ACEI2023
Deadline Passed
The deadline for abstract submissions has now passed.
Note: All participation in the conference will be in-person. There is no virtual or remote participation option.
We welcome submission of papers on any aspect of cultural economics in a broad sense. Possible subjects include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Artists’ labor markets
- Arts and cultural organizations
- Art markets and auctions
- Creative cities and urban development
- Cultural and creative industries
- Cultural capital sources and evaluation
- Cultural consumption and participation
- Cultural data science
- Cultural diversity and idiosyncrasy
- Cultural entrepreneurship and business
- Cultural policy and evaluation
- Cultural tourism
- Culture and economic development
- Culture and wellbeing
- Digital change in art and culture
- Economic analysis from big data in cultural economics
- Economic modelling in cultural economics
- Economics of art history and cultural economic thought
- Economics of copyright and platforms
- Economics of cultural heritage
- Economics of festivals
- Economics of museums
- Economics of performing arts
- International trade in art and culture
Following the title of the conference, Cultural Economics, Coming Together: Bridging Distances, Crossing Boundaries, we wish to celebrate meeting again and, at the same time, expand our study area to new frontiers, such as the extension of the meaning of culture to closely-related matters such as institutional aspects, cultural idiosyncrasy and diversity, as well as to consider the spatial dimension of cultural capital, which hints at the interaction of agents, shapes economic development and causes disparities. Finally, we wish to address the embedding of data science in the analysis and evaluation of culture. We encourage scholars to discuss and present papers on these and the previous topics.
As an added incentive for attendees and to appeal to a wider ACEI community, two special issues are announced in line with the main conference theme:
Special issue in the Journal of Cultural Economics on the subject Spatial dimensions of cultural economics coordinated by guest-editors Silvia Cerisola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Christiane Hellmanzik, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
Special focus in the journal Tourism Economics on the subject Heritage, tourism and local development coordinated by guest-editors Chiara dalle Nogare, University of Brescia, Italy and María Devesa Fernández, University of Valladolid, Spain
Proposals by scholars who wish to organize a contributed session on these special issues (above) or any of the subjects of the conference are very welcome. Session proposals must include papers from a mix of research centers, organizations or universities (i.e., at least four papers, three countries, three institutions).
A workshop dedicated to young researchers will be held on the first day of the conference: 27 June. Graduate students (at masters or PhD level) are invited to present their research projects, work in progress, or full papers, which will be discussed among leading academics in the area.
During the conference, the ACEI will arrange:
- the Presidents' Prize -which recognizes the best paper presented by a young scholar in the conference;
- the Pommerehne Prize -an award for the best paper of the past two years in the Journal of Cultural Economics, and
- the Víctor Fernández Blanco Prize -awarded to the best full paper submitted to the Young Researchers Workshop
More information can be found below, and young researchers and scholars are encouraged to apply. ACEI will also provide a limited number of attendance grants with fee waivers and/or accommodation discounts. Details, together with the call, will be announced after the abstracts acceptance deadline.
Presidents' Prize
Award for the best paper by a young scholar at the ACEI biennial conference.
Prize: USD 1,000 plus publication in the Journal of Cultural Economics (subject to revisions as directed) with special mention upon publication of being the Prize winner.
Eligibility criteria: At least one of the co-authors on the paper is a young scholar. This applies to all graduate students plus early career scholars who are within early stages of their career after recently completing their Doctorate.
Selection process: The Presidents’ Prize is determined by the more recent Past President, the current Present and the future President or President-elect of the ACEI. The 3 Presidents will meet with one or both of the co-editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics to select the winner.
To apply: Authors should indicate their desire for consideration at the time of submitting their full paper for the regular conference or the Young Researchers Workshop. There will be a checkbox on the paper submission form. Only complete papers (uploaded by 1 June 2023) will be considered.
Pommerehne Prize
Award for the best paper of the past two years (i.e., between the two biennial conferences) in the Journal of Cultural Economics.
Prize: USD 1,000 plus special mention of being the Prize winner.
Eligibility criteria: All papers published in the Journal of Cultural Economics over the period since the last conference at which the previous Pommerehne Prize was awarded Prize will be automatically eligible for consideration.
Selection process: The Journal of Cultural Economics Co-editors will recommend the Pommerehne Prize winner to the Executive Board of the ACEI for the Board to ratify.
To apply: All articles in the Journal of Cultural Economics are automatically considered.
Víctor Fernández Blanco Prize
Award for the best full paper submitted to the Young Researchers Workshop.
Prize: USD 500 and special mention during the ACEI Conference General Assembly meeting and on the ACEI website. Furthermore, the editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics jointly decide whether the winning paper enters the reviewing process for publication in that journal.
Eligibility criteria: Papers accepted for the ACEI Young Researchers Workshop (YRW) are eligible for this best paper award. The criteria correspond to the Aims & Scope of the Journal of Cultural Economics. The facilitator of the YRW and the editors of the Journal of Cultural Economics jointly determine the winner of the Víctor Fernandez Blanco Prize.
To apply: All full papers submitted by the deadline will enter the competition, unless the author of a paper explicitly opts out of the procedure (via email to the facilitator of the YRW before the full paper submission deadline).
Abstract Proposal Procedure
Abstract submissions: To submit an abstract, click here. Submissions will need: the name of presenter; the names, affiliations, and contact information of all coauthors; and the paper title, keywords, and abstract (300-400 words). Abstracts should include the research question and the paper’s contribution to cultural economics, a description of the methods, models, and data (as applicable). Complete the abstract proposal form on the conference website by 25 January 2023. All submissions will be refereed by the Scientific Committee. Presenters will be notified by 15 February 2023.
Full paper submission: All accepted papers will need to be submitted as complete manuscripts by 1 June 2023. Authors are encouraged to follow the layout guidelines of the Journal of Cultural Economics. Papers will be available for conference attendees on the conference website. All presenters must register for the conference.
To propose a complete session, click here. Session organizers will need to collect all of the same information as individual abstract submissions – for each of the papers in the session. Session proposals are most welcome. They must exhibit diverse participation. This means 4-5 papers by authors representing at least 3 different institutions and at least 3 different countries. After gathering this information from session participants, complete the session proposal form on the conference website by 25 January 2023. All submissions will be refereed by the Scientific Committee. Session organizers and presenters will be notified of the decision by 15 February 2023. All presenters must register for the conference. Full papers must be submitted by 1 June 2023.
To submit an abstract for the Young Researchers Workshop, click here. Submissions will need: the name of presenter; the names, affiliations, and contact information of all coauthors; and the paper title, keywords, and abstract (300-400 words). Abstracts should include the research question and the paper’s contribution to cultural economics, a description of the methods, models, and data (as applicable). Complete the abstract proposal form on the conference website by 25 January 2023. All submissions will be refereed by the Scientific Committee. Presenters will be notified by 15 February 2023. All presenters must register for the conference. Full papers must be submitted by 1 June 2023.
- 25 January 2023. Paper abstracts, session proposals, Young Researchers Workshop deadline
- 15 February 2023. Session organizers and presenters notified of decision
- March 2023. Registration for conference begins
- 1 June 2023. Full papers submitted deadline
Please direct any questions to ACEIbloomington@gmail.com.
Scientific Committee
- Luis César Herrero Prieto University of Valladolid, Spain (Scientific Program Chair)
- Douglas Noonan Indiana University, USA (Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair)
- Joanna Woronkowicz Indiana University, USA (Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair)
- Anna Mignosa University of Catania, Italy (Young Researchers Workshop Chair)
- Andrea Báez Montenegro Austral University of Chile
- Chiara dalle Nogare University of Brescia, Italy
- Tim Fry RMIT University, Australia
- Masaki Katsuura Meijo University, Japan
- Juan Prieto Rodríguez University of Oviedo, Spain
- Marta Zieba University of Limerick, Ireland
Conference Organizers