Guidelines for Presenters
Below you can find important information on how to make the most out of your experience at #ACEI2023
Dates to Remember
- May 12, 2023: Early Bird registration closed. All presenters must be registered for the conference.
- June 1, 2023: All papers must be uploaded using this link.
- June 19, 2023: All presenters must be registered for the conference. Any presenter not registered by this date is subject to removal from the program.
- June 27, 2023: #ACEI2023 Young Researchers Workshop in Bloomington, Indiana, USA
- June 28-June 30, 2023: #ACEI2023 Main Conference in Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Session Format
Sessions allowed 15 minutes followed by 3-5 minutes of questions for each paper presentation.Presenter Guidelines
Sessions allowed 15 minutes followed by 3-5 minutes of questions for each paper presentation.
Began with a one-minute overview summary of the paper that included the central question addressed and the major conclusions.
Followed with the reasons listeners ought to accept the paper's conclusions: the underlying theory, description of the evidence, methodological defense of the evidence, and connection to (and improvement upon) the existing literature. This manner of presentation differs from that of a journal article but it is more appropriate to a conference format. Speaking is a more effective way to get an explanation across than reading.
It was highly recommended to use slides. Presenters tried to economize on the number of slides in a presentation. Slides were readable from at least 30 feet and should display long enough for viewers actually to comprehend the message they were supposed to convey. A good rule of thumb is one substantive slide (a key exhibit, not an outline page) for every two minutes of presentation (or no more than 6 or 7 total slides per presentation). Slides served as an aid but should not be read from directly.
Presenters brought a (USB) flash drive with pre-loaded slides and uploaded their slides to the shared computer prior to the session. Do not rely on cloud storage or streaming options as conference internet connections and logins may cause presentation delays. Meeting rooms will be equipped with a shared computer and A/V system.
There will be 15 minutes or less available for setting up presentations prior to the start of most sessions. With strict 90-minute timeslots, even a minor delay can greatly hamper the success of a session.
Chair Guidelines
The chair can be critical to the success of a session. The principal challenge for a chair is to enforce time allotments. A presenter that runs over their allotted time is using time that belongs to another presenter or to the audience. ACEI asks chairs to do the following:
- Connect with the other presenters in the session in advance to make introductions and develop some rapport.
- Start the session on time and state the ground rules at the beginning of the discussion, including timing and commitment to discussion. Note that observing stated time limits shows respect for other presenters and for the audience.
- Introduce all participants at the beginning of the session.
- Monitor the clock. Presenters who appear to be off-track for completion on time should be cautioned mid-presentation. ACEI will supply chairs with four signs that read, "5 minutes" "3 minutes", "1 minute", and "Stop" to help alert presenters to their timing.
- Chairs should sit in the front row of the audience, facing the presenters, rather than at the head table, while the presentations are in progress.
- Be prepared to ask questions during the Q&A period if the audience is not engaged, and ensure that questions and comments from the audience are short and to the point.
All papers will be available in the final program on the conference website by the second week of June
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